
Parent company Alpha Metallurgical Resources

Rank in Greenhouse 100 Suppliers: 39
2021 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels supplied (metric tons): 35,437,029
Percentage of national total 2021 supplier emissions: 0.8%
CO2 from produced petroleum (mt): 0
CO2 from supplied natural gas (mt): 0
CO2 from supplied liquid natural gas (mt): 0
CO2 from mined coal (mt): 35,437,029
CO2 from industrial CO2 gas supply (mt): 0
CO2 from coal converted to liquid fuel (mt): 0
Parent company sectors (in descending order of emissions): Coal Mining

You can also look at this company's state, local, and Federal subsidies in Subsidy Tracker.

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Links on facility names lead to EPA FLIGHT reports or to Greenhouse 100 Coal Index displays for coal mines. Links on states lead to state displays.)

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Facility NameStateCO2 equivalent emissions (mt)Percent of total company emissionsSplit *CBI **