
Greenhouse 100 Suppliers Index (2023 Report, Based on 2021 Data)

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Sorted by: Percentage of 2021 U.S.Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Supplies descending, then by Greenhouse 100 Suppliers Rank descending
Greenhouse 100 Suppliers RankParent Corporation or Entity2021 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Supplies (CO2 Metric Tons)Percentage of 2021 U.S.Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Supplies (sorted by)% of Supplier CO2 from a Single FacilityIndustrial Sectors
1Marathon Petroleum399,450,0728.5%22%Petroleum Refineries, Natural Gas Extraction
2Phillips 66272,202,0775.8%14%Petroleum Refineries, Natural Gas Extraction
3Valero Energy260,703,6695.6%15%Petroleum Refineries, Petroleum Wholesalers, Ethyl Alcohol Manufacturing
4Exxon Mobil246,421,8325.3%32%Petroleum Refineries, Natural Gas Extraction, Other, Crude Petroleum Extraction
5Peabody Energy188,340,5424.0%57%Coal Mining
6Chevron134,153,8952.9%33%Petroleum Refineries
7Arch Resources127,785,0772.7%79%Coal Mining
8Enterprise Products Partners110,625,6352.4%13%Natural Gas Extraction, Other
10PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)97,703,7442.1%54%Petroleum Refineries, Petroleum Wholesalers
9PBF Energy99,517,6662.1%19%Petroleum Refineries, Other
11Koch Industries94,289,2282.0%54%Petroleum Refineries, Petroleum Wholesalers, Other, Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing
16HF Sinclair Corporation87,075,3541.9%27%Petroleum Refineries
15Navajo Transitional Energy Company LLC87,940,3651.9%42%Coal Mining
14Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)88,602,2961.9%100%Petroleum Refineries, Petroleum Wholesalers
13Invesco89,855,9561.9%28%Coal Mining
12BP90,543,0191.9%65%Petroleum Refineries, Other
18Energy Transfer70,713,5501.5%37%Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas, Natural Gas Extraction, Other
17Alliance Resource Partners72,098,0691.5%31%Coal Mining
19Oneok65,587,5691.4%29%Natural Gas Extraction
20Cenovus Energy61,889,9391.3%34%Petroleum Refineries
21Delek56,958,9581.2%54%Petroleum Refineries
23Targa Resources52,975,0731.1%96%Natural Gas Extraction, Other
22Consol Energy53,625,6201.1%49%Coal Mining
26Sempra Energy46,978,7301.0%89%Natural Gas Distribution
25Mike Jamison; Petri E Koivula; John McNab47,591,9741.0%52%Coal Mining
24NiSource48,194,4341.0%41%Natural Gas Distribution
29PG&E Corp.41,556,6280.9%100%Natural Gas Distribution
28Dominion Energy43,031,8780.9%42%Natural Gas Distribution
27Southern Company43,426,1520.9%58%Natural Gas Distribution
39Alpha Metallurgical Resources35,437,0290.8%15%Coal Mining
38NACCO Industries35,540,8630.8%45%Coal Mining
37WEC Energy Group36,210,2800.8%27%Natural Gas Distribution
36Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex)36,436,7640.8%100%Petroleum Refineries
35CenterPoint Energy37,206,3960.8%25%Natural Gas Distribution
34MPLX LP37,414,3950.8%59%Natural Gas Extraction, Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas
33LyondellBasell Industries37,414,9410.8%100%Petroleum Refineries, Other
32National Grid38,585,6830.8%28%Natural Gas Distribution, Other
31Kinder Morgan39,378,7660.8%37%Petroleum Refineries, Natural Gas Distribution, Natural Gas Extraction
30Foresight Energy39,759,7120.8%44%Coal Mining
40Duke Energy33,378,8660.7%70%Natural Gas Distribution
43CHS Inc.27,223,9360.6%66%Petroleum Refineries, Petroleum Wholesalers
42Icahn Enterprises28,099,1390.6%63%Petroleum Refineries, Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing
41Shell PLC30,286,8360.6%66%Petroleum Refineries, Petroleum Wholesalers, Other
48Berkshire Hathaway21,365,6920.5%34%Natural Gas Distribution, Coal Mining, Petroleum Refineries, Natural Gas Extraction, Petroleum Wholesalers, Other
47Xcel Energy22,109,3350.5%63%Natural Gas Distribution
46Williams Companies23,756,9120.5%30%Natural Gas Extraction, Crude Petroleum Extraction
45Delta Air Lines24,141,4590.5%100%Petroleum Refineries
44Atmos Energy24,863,6770.5%54%Natural Gas Distribution
61Public Service Enterprise16,721,9790.4%100%Natural Gas Distribution
60Spire Inc.17,279,0550.4%33%Natural Gas Distribution
59Westmoreland Mining LLC17,693,2490.4%62%Coal Mining
58Sev.en Energy18,082,7720.4%13%Coal Mining
57Kiewit18,084,7870.4%100%Coal Mining
56DTE Energy18,398,8390.4%99%Natural Gas Distribution
55Consolidated Edison18,568,9160.4%92%Natural Gas Distribution
54Black Hills Corp.18,732,6780.4%32%Natural Gas Distribution, Coal Mining
53UGI Corp.18,915,8910.4%86%Natural Gas Distribution
52CMS Energy19,080,9450.4%100%Natural Gas Distribution
51ONE Gas Inc.19,508,2330.4%56%Natural Gas Distribution
50TotalEnergies SE19,622,9650.4%100%Petroleum Refineries, Petroleum Wholesalers, Other
49Par Pacific Holdings19,930,6630.4%61%Petroleum Refineries
77Calumet Specialty Products12,078,82644%Petroleum Refineries
76J Clifford Forrest III12,137,11513%Coal Mining
75Warrior Met Coal12,542,15886%Coal Mining
74Hallador Energy12,914,19661%Coal Mining
73Hunt Consolidated13,113,26691%Petroleum Refineries
72Iron Senergy Holding LLC13,378,083100%Coal Mining
71Vistra Energy13,853,56881%Coal Mining
70Emera14,221,15771%Natural Gas Distribution
69Iberdrola14,636,36037%Natural Gas Distribution, Other
68Prairie State Energy Campus (facility)14,850,445100%Coal Mining
67Trafigura Group15,318,20152%Coal Mining
66MDU Resources15,361,09540%Natural Gas Distribution
65EnLink Midstream15,378,81539%Natural Gas Extraction
64Energy and Minerals Group15,542,08570%Coal Mining
63AltaGas15,580,09927%Natural Gas Distribution, Other
62Global Mining Group LLC16,216,628100%Coal Mining
93Ergon7,241,33159%Petroleum Refineries
92National Fuel Gas7,407,77366%Natural Gas Distribution, Natural Gas Extraction
91Epic Midstream LLC7,682,22972%Natural Gas Extraction
90Essential Utilities Inc.8,093,32881%Natural Gas Distribution
89IFM Investors8,854,331100%Petroleum Refineries
88Denbury Inc.8,873,78542%Crude Petroleum Extraction
87EverSource Energy9,514,66737%Natural Gas Distribution
86Alliant Energy9,743,76152%Natural Gas Distribution
85Red Apple Group9,806,896100%Petroleum Refineries
84Petro-Hunt9,919,14198%Petroleum Refineries, Natural Gas Extraction
83CBR Investments10,059,74692%Coal Mining
82Ameren10,485,60989%Natural Gas Distribution
81TRANSWORLD OIL USA INC10,568,605100%Petroleum Refineries
80Suncor Energy10,622,599100%Petroleum Refineries
79Southwest Gas11,045,31759%Natural Gas Distribution
78Exelon11,384,40542%Natural Gas Distribution
100South Jersey Industries5,493,60252%Natural Gas Distribution
99Northwest Natural Holding Co6,151,29991%Natural Gas Distribution
98SCM Group6,203,79831%Coal Mining
97Occidental Petroleum6,277,89843%Crude Petroleum Extraction, Coal Mining, Natural Gas Extraction
96Western Fuels Association6,336,787100%Coal Mining
95Puget Sound Energy6,425,538100%Natural Gas Distribution
94Aux Sable Companies6,629,397100%Natural Gas Extraction

Explanatory notes (For details, see the technical notes).

This edition of the Greenhouse 100 Suppliers ranks companies by C02-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions from their supply of products in 2021 that result in GHG emissions when the products are released, combusted, or oxidized. This differs from the Greenhouse 100 Polluters because the Greenhouse 100 Polluters ranks companies by direct emissions of GHGs from large facilities. It includes both data from EPA's GHGRP Suppliers database and a PERI database of coal mines based on EIA and MSHA data. Petroleum exports are not included as supplier amounts (we assume that they were also reported as production if they were produced in the US.)

Important: EPA treats some quantities of CO2 released from suppliers as confidential where the supplying facility makes only one product and its amount of production could be calculated from its CO2 emissions. PERI has no way to determine the values of these confidential amounts and has treated them as zeroes. Users of this list should be aware that data derived from EPA's GHGRP Suppliers database are a lower bound and may actually be larger than shown.

The links from each parent name or state lead to an application that gives detailed facility information. You can also search for companies not on the Greenhouse 100 Suppliers Index. For more information on the data, see the technical notes.

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