
State: Wyoming

2021 Greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels supplied (metric tons): 425,886,129
Percentage of national total 2021 supplier emissions: 9.1%
Top 3 Parent Companies(in descending order of emissions): Peabody Energy, Arch Resources, Navajo Transitional Energy Company LLC

Basic data displayed (display advanced data instead)
Click on column headers to re-sort table: current sort is by Parent, then by CO2 equivalent emissions (mt) descending.
Links on facility names lead to EPA FLIGHT reports or to Greenhouse 100 Coal Index displays for coal mines.)
Facility NameParent (sorted by)CO2 equivalent emissions (mt)Split *CBI **
Black ThunderArch Resources100,898,885
Coal Creek MineArch Resources3,389,972
Bridger Underground Coal MineBerkshire Hathaway5,430,625
Jim Bridger MineBerkshire Hathaway2,063,213
Wyodak MineBlack Hills Corp.5,954,520
Black Hills Wyoming Gas LLC, dba Black Hills EnergyBlack Hills Corp.1,517,381
Casper Gas PlantBlackstone244,651
Douglas Gas PlantBlackstone0Yes
Elk Basin Gas PlantCrescent Energy43,965
ContangoResources_LOST CABINCrescent Energy0Yes
Rowdy Jewell Gas PlantEncap Investments124,280
Shute Creek FacilityExxon Mobil0Yes
SINCLAIR OIL CORPORATIONHF Sinclair Corporation10,299,670
Cheyenne PlantIncitec Pivot0Yes
Kemmerer MineKemmerer Holdings LLC4,251,906
Buckskin MineKiewit18,084,787
Black Butte And Leucite Hills MinesLighthouse Resources1,982,06750%
Blacks Fork Gas PlantMarathon Petroleum397,904
Belle Ayr MineMike Jamison; Petri E Koivula; John McNab24,561,155
Eagle Butte MineMike Jamison; Petri E Koivula; John McNab23,030,819
Wyoming Gas CompanyNATURAL GAS PROCESSING CO52,880
Nature gas import and export Inc.Nature gas import & export Inc0
Antelope Coal MineNavajo Transitional Energy Company LLC36,950,465
Cordero Rojo MineNavajo Transitional Energy Company LLC21,872,154
Black Butte And Leucite Hills MinesOccidental Petroleum1,982,06750%
Granger Gas PlantOccidental Petroleum268,787
WYOMING REFINING COMPANYPar Pacific Holdings2,179,328
North Antelope Rochelle MinePeabody Energy106,744,493
Caballo MinePeabody Energy23,559,551
Rawhide MinePeabody Energy19,720,399
Dry Fork MineWestern Fuels Association6,336,787
Hilight-Reno Junction Gas PlantWestern Midstream Partners241,458
Opal Gas PlantWilliams Companies422,601
For more information on the data, see the technical notes.
* Split: if 50% appears in this column, then the facility's emissions have been split among two 50/50% ownership parent companies.
** CBI: if Yes appears in this column, then one or more of the supplier CO2 amounts for the facility (excluding imports and exports) have been treated as confidential by EPA. Amounts that EPA has declared to be confidential are treated as zeroes. If there are confidential amounts, the actual supplier emissions would be larger than shown. Petroleum exports are not included as supplier amounts (we assume that they were also reported as production if they were produced in the US.)

PERI press release for Wyoming

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